Thursday, February 23, 2012


Article #2: Looking at the Sin of Lustful Temptation and How it will Mess Up Your Life
Ok I just going to say this real quick, I’m going to be a little bit hard on this one, so any young readers please be warned. Thanks!
So you know what sucks about temptation? The fact that it’s temptation! I’m not talking about some cheese cake temptation that you have at midnight. No, I’m talking about lust. Plain and simple! And girl readers don’t even act like this isn’t a problem for you! We all deal with it, it don’t matter if you white, black, female, male, southern baptist, or catholic. This is a struggle for all of us, especially for us teens. NOT JUST TEEN GUYS THOUGH! I went public school, so don’t act like it isn’t every where, everyone.
So the reason this all is coming up is because I’m going to college (YAY!) And at orientation there was some good looking girls, wearing maybe a little to less and I won’t lie, I looked. I looked at those girls, not as a creation of God, but as a mans lust. Which, well, makes a man want certian things. And for a Christian guy that is the worst thing you can do, is “want” those certian things.
Let me make this clear, it is ok to find attraction to certian person or persons (if you don’t well that is just not natural lol), its even ok to think they look “FINE.” But if your a christian, then you can’t look at those “Fine” girls in lust (The New Oxford American Dictionary says that lust is a very strong sexual desire), Matthew 5:28 says: “But I say to you that everyone who looks at a women with a lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart.”
Look I’m not saying you can’t make mistakes, if you look at a girl or guy lustfully with out even realizing it, then o well pray for forgiveness, it happens to the best of us, if you truly believe in christ then you have already been forgiven. It’s when you go out and actually look for it, when you want to lust for another person (that is not your wife or husband) that your getting into trouble. 
 See I don’t believe that Christ told us not to lust for those you are not married to because it is in itself a sin, at least we’re told its not a sin against anyone else, just ourselves (1st Corinthians 6:18 says: “Every other sin you commit is outside the body, but the sexual immoral person sins against his own body”). So why is he telling us this? It’s simple, because lust lead to the next step, which of course is messing up the marriage bed, if you catch my drift. If you don’t, well I’m refering to Hebrews 13:4 which says: “Let the marriage be held in honor among all, and let the marriage bed be undefiled, for God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous.”
I’m thinking that says it pretty well! I would like to say about ”for God will judge the…ect” Yes he will judge you, but it is not the judgement of hell. It will be judgement and punishment in your own life. You can find this information in Romans 8:1 and Hebrews 12:5-11, I encourage you to read these when you get a chance!
Well that concludes my second Article, expect alot more, but also expect some random none article stuff to come out between each one.

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