Thursday, February 23, 2012

Those Dirty, Rotten, No Good for ya…… Liberals??

Sub-Article #5: Being a Strong Christian even as the Church Weakens
That’s right!! We’re talking about those EVIL liberals! Their everywhere!! In your schools! At the grocery store! Maybe even in your church!! And parents if you don’t train your kids up in the lord, they could be in YOUR HOUSE!!!! MAYBE YOUR BEST FRIENDS ONE!!! So you maybe thinking in a high pitched girly voice, “OOOOH NOOO! HOW DO WE KEEP THE LIBERALS FROM BEING LIBERAL??” Well here is the answer! You must keep them accountable with the lord! Wait, wait did you all think I was talking about Liberalism as the political view?? Oh gosh! I would never do that! (publically lol jk)
Ok now that I’ve had my fun, let’s talk about liberals, and no not “those” liberals, I’m talking about Liberals of the church. If you’ve ever read a large Article of mine you can probably tell that I have a slight problem with churches today that “tickle” the ears or feel good sermons. But that’s not what we need! We need GOD’S WORD! The only truth! Not some random stuff! One of these beliefs is that there is no Hell. Which, really baffles me!! Because the word hell is used over 54 times in the bible, and we could actually find out want hell looks like by just using the original translation of these words because there are tons of different words in Greek and Hebrew that mean different types of hell that were used in the original text. One of these supporters of “NoHell” is Rob Bell, who has written the book “Love Wins.” Love wins is a book you need to avoid! Unless you are spiritually ready to study such a book. (It is not that he supports his claims well, it’s the fact that he writes like, well, like Hitler spoke, he can bring you in and mesmerize you.) That is what I mean when I say liberal, these people are going farther and farther from the spiritual truth and the effects that it is having on “The Church” as a whole is dramatic. Put it this way, imagine the church is a rubber band and you have two very strong people pulling on each side. We have an option, either tear the rubber band into two or one side give in so it will not tear. This is what’s happening to many churches, today. The liberal churches today will not hold to the beliefs of scripture so instead of keeping them accountable, the more conservative side of the church will bend to their will. I do not believe any church or convention of churches are safe, I even fear for my wonderful Southern Baptist Convention. So what can we do? We can stand up that’s what! We must hold to scripture and what is says! We must be willing to let those who believe there is no hell, see why there is. Let those Christians that support homosexuality is so wrong (See Romans 1 if you want some VIVID details on that). Let them see why the emergent movement is far from the truth (I will no longer call it a church, I gave it, its time to shine in my recent Article: The Church in the Emergent age).
We can let these beliefs seep into our friends heads, our homes, ours churches, for if we do we shall falter and be destroyed, therefore, Liberalism in the church must be destroyed .

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